
  • Christmas Shopping Just got fun!

    smoc smoc incredible Christmas list colab - a must for all wild swimmers! 🎄 Special Christmas Collaboration Gift List This festive season, smoc smo...
  • smoc smoc founder joins 2.5 Billion women

    We are so pleased to announce that our smoc smoc founder Anna is now part of the amazing Buy Women Built community that show cases and supports women founders of some of the UK's biggest brands.
  • Collab with Sand Sea Spa Retreats. DISCOUNT CODE AVAILABLE!

    Fancy taking your smoc away to a seaside retreat? Find out more here!
  • Our first podcast! Low Tide Boyz - California Great to zoom chat with the guys in California about smoc smoc's sustainability an...
  • smoc smoc chatting about wild swimming on Radio 4's Today Programme

    smoc smoc was contacted by Radio 4 to see if we would chat to them about wild swimming and lockdown. How could we refuse?

    credit: Radio 4 Today Programme. 13/02/21

  • smocs for the homeless are kept out of landfill

    We decided that smoc smoc HQ needed a good sort out!   The office had a few smocs that had been delivered without a storage bag so we couldn't sel...
  • Time to ditch the plastic this Christmas

          Brightly coloured plastic wobbly things. There are so many unwanted gifts that are useless, or that kids get bored with by Boxing Day tha...